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Tarnation Pilgrim!

There’s trouble headed towards the critter town of Brightspring. The vile varmint, Rowdy Rocky, was spotted on the road north heading our way. That no-good raccoon’s got a large posse in tow. With that many ne’er-do-wells outfitted with irons under his orders, nothing good can come of it.

Brightspring hasn’t had a sheriff since Wyatt Eagle passed last year. Supposin’ now, it’s up to us and the town to fend off Rocky and his posse. Except most folks just wanna let Rocky and his boys have their way. Figurin’ they might cause more trouble if they are opposed. So it’s just gonna be us against them.

We gots a day to prepare but I reckon Rocky’ll arrive at high noon on the morrow. I gots no reckoning fer whatever his plans are but can figure they ain’t good. Ifn we’re smart, we can be ready fer him. 

Get Ready fer Rootin', Tootin', Wild West Critter Shootin'... It's Yee-Paw!

Get Ready fer Rootin', Tootin', Wild West Critter Shootin'... It's Yee-Paw!!!

From the unhinged mind of that old coot, Joel Salda, springs forth a tabletop role playin' game of most epic proportions. Or well, somethin' yer gonna have a lot of fun with yer friends with. But what in blue blazes is this?

Yee-Paw! High Raccoon is an independent tabletop role playin' game fer 1-6 critters of Brightspring. You and yer friends are gonna need to band together, recruit the townsfolk into helping, set traps about town, and ultimately defend yerselves from Rocky and his ilk. You ain't a gunslinger but yer willin' and able to fight.

The zine itself has a lot goin' on. It is written in an old western narrative voice... much like what yer readin'. Complete with fine cuttin' edge photography and collage artwork of the citizens and villains of Brightspring. With NPC character generators, twenty different occupations, ten reasons Rocky is comin' to town, a cowpoke can replay this game to their heart's content with all this fine content!

Throughout the Kickstarter Campaign, the critters were able to unlock an entire second campaign based around the Howard Hawks film "Rio Bravo". It has 6 new occupations and a slew of GM tools to throw at yer players. It's what would be considered the advanced variant.

That's All Fine and Dandy but How Does it Work?

Like any good greenhorn, each critter will have a deck o' cards. Anytime yer need ta settle a dispute where another townfolk or varmint might be opposin' ya, yer gonna play a solo hand of cards. After statin' yer business, you'll do the followin'...

1. The critter running this thing will draw five cards and form a river.

2. Face cards represent forces that are opposin' ya. Draw a blind hand for cards equivalent to the threat it poses. Each face card will give the opposition an additional card.

3. Draw two cards fer yerself. Reckon this is the point you'll wanna be usin' your occupation, items, assistin' townfolk, and traps to help you do more. All of which will can help yer hand. Can't just leave it all up to lady luck, can we? 

4. Critters looking to flee can by foldin' their hands. One critter has to stay and resolve the dispute but they can discard and redraw their hand.

5. Flip all hands belongin' to those opposin' ya.

6. Best hand wins with no ties. Wins result in gainin' townsfolk, setting traps, acquirin' items, or dealing grit in combat to Rocky's band. Losses result in lost time before Rocky's arrival or losin' grit yerself.

Folks are willin' to reshuffle their decks anytime they want, but don't reckon it'll be helpin' much.

Where's the Gold Goin'?

The zine took some time and capital to produce. Gotta keep the creator watered and fed. But in all seriousness, any and all funds gained through the Itch sales will go straight towards art fer the next TTRPG Joel designs. I can guarantee this ain't gonna be the last one.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Buy Now$11.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $11 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Yee-Paw High Raccoon (Spreads).pdf 23 MB
Yee_Paw_Map.png 1.2 MB
YPHR_Critter_Sheet.pdf 477 kB
Yee-Paw High Raccoon (Single Pages).pdf 22 MB

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